As is well known to most believers who yearn for the unity of the Church, Christians celebrate Easter on different dates. Each year, Christians continue to celebrate the most important mystery of the Christian Faith - Christ's death and resurrection. In countries where Christians from different denominations live side by side, non-Christians must ask themselves whether the Christians are really serious about their message of reconciliation, love and unity of heart.
“What finer purpose for theology than seeking Christian unity?” Theologian, Denmark |
Fr Tony o Sullivan Spiritual Direction / Content, England |
Fr Vincent Cosetti “may they be so perfected in unity that the world will recognize that it was you who sent me (Jn 17, 23) Translations coordinator, Switzerland |
Carol Chamberlain “My inspiration to get involved came from my desire to have and be able to practice Christianity, existing as undivided and one, as alluded to in John 17, 23. Content Author, Scotland |
Sara Annunziata Graphics, USA |
“It is a privilege to be involved in taking a step towards something Jesus wants, Unity.” Web Developer, Scotland |